roborock Q8 Max+ Robot Vacuum and Mop Review – Pros and Cons

The Roborock Q8 Max+ Robot Vacuum and Mop is a state-of-the-art cleaning device designed to provide a seamless and efficient cleaning experience. It features an Automatic Self-Emptying system with a 2.5L dust bag, allowing up to 7 weeks of continuous cleaning without manual intervention. The device offers customizable mopping options, letting users adjust the water flow for different floors and rooms through its app. Equipped with Reactive Tech Obstacle Avoidance, the vacuum navigates smoothly around obstacles for uninterrupted cleaning.

The Q8 Max+ boasts a powerful 5500 Pa HyperForce Suction, ensuring deep and thorough cleaning, with a Carpet Boost function for enhanced performance on carpets. Its DuoRoller Brush technology reduces hair tangles and improves vacuuming efficiency on carpets. For precise navigation, the device utilizes PreciSense LiDAR Navigation, featuring Quick Mapping, 3D Mapping, and Multi-Level Mapping for tailored cleaning in any environment.

Users can easily control the Roborock Q8 Max+ through a user-friendly mobile app or voice commands, offering a customized cleaning experience. With its advanced features and technologies, the Q8 Max+ is a versatile and effective solution for maintaining a clean and tidy home.


  1. Automatic Self-Emptying: The vacuum’s self-emptying feature, with a 2.5L dust bag, offers up to 7 weeks of continuous cleaning without manual intervention, providing unparalleled convenience.
  2. Customizable Mopping: Users can tailor the mopping intensity for different floors and rooms via the app, ensuring optimal cleaning results for various surfaces.
  3. Reactive Tech Obstacle Avoidance: The vacuum navigates smoothly around obstacles, ensuring a seamless and efficient cleaning experience without interruptions.
  4. Powerful Suction: With 5500 Pa HyperForce Suction and a Carpet Boost function, the vacuum delivers deep and thorough cleaning, especially effective on carpets.
  5. Dual Rubber Brush Efficiency: The DuoRoller Brush technology minimizes hair tangles and enhances vacuuming performance on carpets, making maintenance easier.
  6. Precise Navigation: PreciSense LiDAR Navigation enables quick and accurate mapping, ensuring efficient cleaning in any environment.
  7. Seamless Control Options: The vacuum can be easily controlled through a user-friendly mobile app or voice commands, allowing for a customized cleaning experience.
  8. Long Battery Life: The vacuum’s battery lasts up to 2 hours, enabling it to clean large areas on a single charge.
  9. Effective Pet Hair Removal: The vacuum is highly effective in removing pet hair, making it ideal for households with pets.
  10. High-Quality Build: The vacuum’s build quality is solid, indicating durability and long-term reliability.
  11. Intelligent Room Mapping: The vacuum’s advanced technology allows for efficient cleaning routes, ensuring thorough coverage of every room.
  12. Flexible Scheduling: Users can set schedules for specific rooms or areas, adding convenience to the cleaning routine.
  13. Impressive Obstacle Navigation: The vacuum’s ability to navigate around obstacles and avoid getting stuck is a significant advantage.
  14. User-Friendly App: The Roborock app provides various features like spot cleaning and suction power adjustment, enhancing the user experience.
  15. Efficient Cleaning Patterns: The vacuum follows a logical and efficient cleaning path, saving time and battery life.
  16. Strong Customer Support: Positive experiences with customer support indicate good after-sales service.


  1. Small Dustbin Capacity: The vacuum’s dustbin may require frequent emptying, especially in homes with a lot of pet hair or debris.
  2. Noisy Self-Emptying: The self-emptying process can be loud, which might be a disturbance for some users.
  3. High Price Point: The vacuum’s advanced features come at a premium price, which may not be affordable for all budgets.
  4. Limited Manual Control: Some users may prefer more manual control options for specific cleaning tasks.
  5. Occasional Navigation Issues: While generally efficient, the vacuum may occasionally struggle with navigation in complex environments.
  6. Restricted Mop Zone Editing: The app’s inability to manually edit mop zones could be inconvenient for some users.

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Overall, the Roborock Q8 Max+ Robot Vacuum and Mop offers a host of advanced features that make it an excellent choice for maintaining clean floors with minimal effort. While it has a few limitations, its pros significantly outweigh the cons, making it a highly recommended cleaning tool for modern homes.


