Honeywell HEPA Air Purifier Filter for HPA 100/200/300 and 5000 Series Review – Pros and Cons

The Honeywell HEPA Air Purifier Filter, also known as the R Filter, is a crucial component for maintaining the optimal performance of Honeywell Air Purifiers. This filter is specifically designed to fit a range of Honeywell models, including the HPA090, HPA100, HPA200, HPA250, HPA300, HPA5200, HPA5220, HPA5250, HPA5300, HPA5350, and HPA8350 Series. Its primary function is to capture 99.97% of airborne allergens and particles that are as small as 0.3 microns. This includes common irritants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, dust mite debris, and smoke, which are prevalent in many indoor environments. By effectively trapping these particles, the filter ensures that the air purifier can provide a cleaner and healthier breathing space in your home.

In terms of air cleaning and circulation, the Honeywell HEPA Air Purifier Filter excels in its performance. When installed in a compatible Honeywell Air Purifier, it can filter and circulate air up to 4.8 times per hour in the stated room size. This ensures that the air in your living space is continuously refreshed and free from harmful particles. For maintaining this high level of air quality, it is recommended to replace the HEPA Filters once per year. Additionally, pre-filters, which are used in conjunction with the HEPA filter, are sold separately and may require more frequent replacement depending on the air quality and usage.

It is important to note that for the best performance and efficiency, it is recommended to use only genuine Honeywell air purifier filters. While there may be compatible air purifier filter replacements available in the market, they are not guaranteed to offer the same level of performance or efficiency as the original Honeywell filters. By choosing genuine Honeywell products, you can ensure that your air purifier continues to operate effectively, providing you with clean air and a healthier living environment. Trust in the Honeywell brand to improve your air quality and neutralize odors for a cleaner breathing experience year-round with their air cleaners, purifiers, and humidifiers.


  1. High Filtration Efficiency: This filter captures 99.97% of airborne allergens and particles, including dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke, providing users with cleaner air and relief from allergies.
  2. Compatibility: Designed to fit a wide range of Honeywell air purifier models, this filter offers convenience for users with different devices within the Honeywell family.
  3. Easy Installation: Users appreciate the ease of installing these filters, which can be done quickly and without hassle, ensuring continuous air purification.
  4. Immediate Impact: Many users report an immediate difference in air quality upon installing the filter, with reduced sneezing and fresher air.
  5. Longevity: The filter is designed to last for about three months with continuous use, making it a cost-effective solution for maintaining air quality.
  6. Brand Trust: Users trust the Honeywell brand and often choose it over other brands for its reliability and performance.
  7. True HEPA Quality: The filter is a True HEPA filter, providing superior filtration compared to regular HEPA filters.
  8. Noticeable Difference: Users report a visible difference in air quality, with rooms feeling and smelling cleaner after replacing old filters with new ones.
  9. No Odor: The filter does not emit any unpleasant odors, ensuring a pleasant environment.
  10. Dust Reduction: Users notice a significant reduction in dust accumulation in their homes after using the filter.


  1. Cost: Some users find the filters to be expensive, especially when needing replacements for multiple purifiers.
  2. Slight Smell: A few users have reported a slight smell from the filter, although this is not a common complaint.
  3. Availability: Due to high demand, especially during events like wildfire season or the COVID-19 pandemic, there can be shortages or delays in obtaining replacement filters.

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Overall, the Honeywell HEPA Air Purifier Filter for HPA 100/200/300 and 5000 Series is highly regarded for its effectiveness in improving indoor air quality. The majority of users are satisfied with the performance, ease of use, and compatibility with various Honeywell air purifier models. While the cost of replacement filters can be a concern for some, the benefits of cleaner air and reduced allergens are often considered worth the investment.



